Missing Data

This note is about visualizing the missing data and its patterns, but not analyzing or complementing the missing data.

Row/Column Missing Patterns


Heatmaps are suitable for visualizing missing data.

First, use tidyr to convert column names into one variable. Then plot a Heatmap with the x-axis being column names (variable name), the y-axis being row names (observation id), and the color indicating missing values.

An example:

mycars <- mtcars
mycars[,"gear"] <- NA
mycars[10:20, 3:5] <- NA
for (i in 1:10) mycars[sample(32,1), sample(11,1)] <- NA

tidycars <- mycars %>% 
    rownames_to_column("id") %>% 
    gather(key, value, -id) %>% 
    mutate(missing = ifelse(is.na(value), "yes", "no"))

ggplot(tidycars, aes(x = key, y = fct_rev(id), fill = missing)) +
  geom_tile(color = "white") + 
  ggtitle("mtcars with NAs added") +
  ylab('') + 
  scale_fill_viridis_d() + # discrete scale


A better idea is to combine the normal Heatmap with missing data: use one color to present missing data, and a sequential color palette to present the magnitude of other values.


Function plot_missing() from R Package redav is a powerful tool to explore missing patterns. It renders graphs like this

Value Missing Patterns

A pattern according to package mi is a subset of variables. So there are total 2n possible variables, and each observation has one pattern (if it has all values, then the pattern is "nothing").

x <- mi::missing_data.frame(mycars)
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